Code source de crocrodile.nn

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Crocrodile Neural Network.

Base class for Crocrodile NN.
from __future__ import annotations

from __future__ import annotations
import csv
import heapq
import json
import multiprocessing
import os  # Path problems
import random
import sys
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import chess
import chess.polyglot
import numpy

# ====== IDLE ======
# import os
# os.chdir("../")
# ==== END IDLE ====

NoneType = type(None)

[docs]class NeuralNetwork: """Base class for NN.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize NN.""" # Old NN files. Can be reused. """self.weight1 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/w1.csv") self.weight2 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/w2.csv") self.weight3 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/w3.csv") self.weight4 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/w4.csv") self.weight5 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/w5.csv") self.b1 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/b1.csv") self.b2 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/b2.csv") self.b3 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/b3.csv") self.b4 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/b4.csv") self.b5 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/b5.csv") self.cweight1 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cw1.csv") self.cweight2 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cw2.csv") self.cweight3 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cw3.csv") self.cweight4 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cw4.csv") self.cweight5 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cw5.csv") self.cb1 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cb1.csv") self.cb2 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cb2.csv") self.cb3 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cb3.csv") self.cb4 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cb4.csv") self.cb5 = self.csv_to_array("nns/default/cb5.csv")""" self.pre_input_layer = numpy.zeros(768) self.input_layer = numpy.zeros(64) self.hidden_layer_1 = numpy.zeros(64) self.hidden_layer_2 = numpy.zeros(64) self.hidden_layer_3 = numpy.zeros(64) self.hidden_layer_4 = numpy.zeros(1) self.output_layer = numpy.zeros(1) # Old configuration file. Can be reused. self.train_settings = json.load(open("basics_train.json")) # Old training files. Can be reused. """self.train_good = ( open(self.genetic_train_settings["train_good"]).read().split( "\n\n") ) self.train_bad = ( open(self.genetic_train_settings["train_bad"]).read().split("\n\n") ) self.test_good = ( open(self.genetic_train_settings["test_good"]).read().split("\n\n") ) self.test_bad = ( open(self.genetic_train_settings["test_bad"]).read().split("\n\n") )""" self.result = None # Basics training self.perfs: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0) self.old_good_moves_result: Optional[int] = None self.old_bad_moves_result: Optional[int] = None self.indice: int = -1 self.layers: list[numpy.ndarray] = list() # Multiple layers self.bias: list[numpy.ndarray] = list() # Multiple layers self.last_layer: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None self.last_bias: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None # Multiprocesses global results self.multiprocesses_result: list[int] = [0, 0] # Pawns and pieces self.w_pawns: list[numpy.ndarray] = list() self.w_pieces: list[numpy.ndarray] = list() self.b_pawns: list[numpy.ndarray] = list() self.b_pieces: list[numpy.ndarray] = list() self.w_last: numpy.ndarray = list() self.b_last: numpy.ndarray = list() self.transpositions: dict[str, dict[str, bool]] = {}
[docs] def load_networks(self) -> None: """ Load networks from folder nns/ :return: None :rtype: None """ print("Loading networks... (counting networks)", end="\r", flush=True) self.tests_weight1 = list() self.tests_weight2 = list() self.tests_weight3 = list() self.tests_weight4 = list() self.tests_weight5 = list() self.tests_bias1 = list() self.tests_bias2 = list() self.tests_bias3 = list() self.tests_bias4 = list() self.tests_bias5 = list() population = self.genetic_train_settings["population"] for loop in range(population): print( f"Loading networks... ({loop}/{population}) ", end="\r", flush=True, ) self.tests_weight1.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w1.csv")) self.tests_weight2.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w2.csv")) self.tests_weight3.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w3.csv")) self.tests_weight4.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w4.csv")) self.tests_weight5.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w5.csv")) self.tests_bias1.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b1.csv")) self.tests_bias2.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b2.csv")) self.tests_bias3.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b3.csv")) self.tests_bias4.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b4.csv")) self.tests_bias5.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b5.csv")) print("Loading networks... Done. ")
[docs] def output(self): """Return NN output.""" try: if self.output_layer < 0: return True return False except ValueError: if self.output_layer[0] < 0: return True return False
[docs] def generate_inputs(self, board: str, move: str) -> bool: """ Generate inputs for move move in board. :param str board: FEN of the board. :param str move: UCI notation of the move to check. :return: False if this is a check, True else. :rtype: bool """ def board_to_matrix(board: chess.Board) -> numpy.ndarray: """Convert chess board to matrix.""" # Base values inputs_values: dict[str, float] = { "": 0.0, "P": 0.1, "N": 0.2, "B": 0.3, "R": 0.5, "Q": 0.9, "K": 1, "p": -0.1, "n": -0.2, "b": -0.3, "r": -0.5, "q": -0.9, "k": -1, } # Castling rights castling_bonus: dict[str, float] = { "k": 0.05, "q": 0.10, } if board.has_kingside_castling_rights(chess.WHITE): inputs_values["K"] += castling_bonus["k"] if board.has_queenside_castling_rights(chess.WHITE): inputs_values["K"] += castling_bonus["q"] if board.has_kingside_castling_rights(chess.BLACK): inputs_values["k"] -= castling_bonus["k"] if board.has_queenside_castling_rights(chess.BLACK): inputs_values["k"] -= castling_bonus["q"] # Generate board result: numpy.ndarray = numpy.zeros((8, 8)) piece_map = board.piece_map() for rank in range(8): for file in range(8): square: int = rank * 8 + file piece: chess.Piece | bool = piece_map.get(square, False) if piece: result[rank][file] = inputs_values[piece.symbol()] else: result[rank][file] = inputs_values[""] # En passant if board.has_legal_en_passant(): ep_square: chess.Square = board.ep_square result[chess.square_rank( ep_square)][chess.square_file(ep_square)] = 0.01 # Return return result # Mirror board def flip_rank(rank: str) -> str: ranks = list("12345678") reversed_ranks = list(reversed(ranks)) return reversed_ranks[ranks.index(rank)] def flip_move_vertical(uci: str) -> str: """ Flip move vertically. :param str uci: UCI representation of move :return: UCI representation of flipped move :rtype: str """ from_square = list(uci[0:2]) to_square = list(uci[2:4]) if len(uci) == 5: # Promotion promotion = uci[4] else: promotion = "" from_square[1] = flip_rank(from_square[1]) to_square[1] = flip_rank(to_square[1]) return "".join(from_square) + "".join(to_square) + promotion board: chess.Board = chess.Board(board) if board.turn == chess.BLACK: board: chess.Board = board.mirror() move = flip_move_vertical(move) pieces_values = { "k": 1000, "q": 9, "r": 5, "b": 3, "n": 3, "p": 1, } piece_map = board.piece_map() try: piece_from = piece_map[chess.Move.from_uci( move).from_square].symbol().lower() try: piece_to = piece_map[chess.Move.from_uci( move).to_square].symbol().lower() except KeyError: pass else: if pieces_values[piece_to] > pieces_values[piece_from]: return False except KeyError: pass # First board board1: numpy.ndarray = board_to_matrix(board) # Second board board.push(chess.Move.from_uci(move)) if board.is_check(): # Check is always a good move return False board2: numpy.ndarray = board_to_matrix(board) # Result zeros = numpy.zeros((8, 8)) final = numpy.block([[board1, zeros], [zeros, board2]]) self.input_layer = final return True
# Old code # # pieces: dict[int, chess.Piece] = board.piece_map() # inputs: list[list[float]] = [] # inputs_values: dict[str, float] = { # "": 0.0, # "P": 0.1, # "N": 0.2, # "B": 0.3, # "R": 0.5, # "Q": 0.9, # "K": 1, # "p": -0.1, # "n": -0.2, # "b": -0.3, # "r": -0.5, # "q": -0.9, # "k": -1, # } # for rank in chess.RANK_NAMES: # inputs.append([]) # for file in chess.FILE_NAMES: # square: int = chess.parse_square(file + rank) # if pieces.get(square, False): # inputs[chess.RANK_NAMES.index(rank)].append( # inputs_values[pieces[square].symbol()] # ) # else: # inputs[chess.RANK_NAMES.index(rank)].append( # inputs_values[""]) # if board.has_legal_en_passant(): # inputs[chess.square_rank(board.ep_square)][ # chess.square_file(board.ep_square) # ] = -0.05 # move: chess.Move = chess.Move.from_uci(move) # from_square: chess.Square = move.from_square # to_square: chess.Square = move.to_square # move_inputs: list[float] = [float()] * 4 # move_inputs[0]: float = chess.square_file(from_square) / 10 # move_inputs[1]: float = chess.square_rank(from_square) / 10 # move_inputs[2]: float = chess.square_file(to_square) / 10 # move_inputs[3]: float = chess.square_rank(to_square) / 10 # castling_inputs: list[float] = [] # if board.has_kingside_castling_rights(chess.WHITE): # castling_inputs.append(1) # else: # castling_inputs.append(0) # if board.has_queenside_castling_rights(chess.WHITE): # castling_inputs.append(1) # else: # castling_inputs.append(0) # if board.has_kingside_castling_rights(chess.BLACK): # castling_inputs.append(1) # else: # castling_inputs.append(0) # if board.has_queenside_castling_rights(chess.BLACK): # castling_inputs.append(1) # else: # castling_inputs.append(0) # en_passant_input: float = 0.0 # if board.has_legal_en_passant(): # en_passant_input: float = ( # chess.square_file(board.ep_square) + 1) / 10 # inputs.append(move_inputs + castling_inputs + [en_passant_input]) # for indice in range(4): # inputs[indice].append(move_inputs[indice]) # inputs[indice + 4].append(castling_inputs[indice]) # self.input_layer: numpy.array = numpy.array(inputs)
[docs] @staticmethod def csv_to_array(csv_path): """Read CSV file and return array.""" result = list() with open(csv_path) as file: reader = csv.reader(file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) for row in reader: result.append(row) return numpy.array(result)
[docs] def full_calculate(self): """Calculate NN result with all hidden layers.""" normalizer = self.normalisation self.hidden_layer_1 = self.weight1 @ self.input_layer + self.b1 self.hidden_layer_1 = normalizer(self.hidden_layer_1) self.hidden_layer_2 = self.hidden_layer_1 @ self.weight2 + self.b2 self.hidden_layer_2 = normalizer(self.hidden_layer_2) self.hidden_layer_3 = self.hidden_layer_2 @ self.weight3 + self.b3 self.hidden_layer_3 = normalizer(self.hidden_layer_3) self.hidden_layer_4 = self.weight4 @ self.hidden_layer_3 + self.b4 self.hidden_layer_4 = normalizer(self.hidden_layer_4) self.output_layer = self.hidden_layer_4 @ self.weight5 + self.b5 self.output_layer = normalizer(self.output_layer) print( f"hl1 : {self.hidden_layer_1.shape} / hl2 : {self.hidden_layer_2.shape} / hl3 : {self.hidden_layer_3.shape} / hl4 : {self.hidden_layer_4.shape} / output : {self.output_layer.shape}" )
[docs] def old_calculate(self): """Calculate NN result.""" normalizer = self.normalisation self.output_layer = normalizer( normalizer( self.weight4
[docs] @ normalizer( normalizer( normalizer(self.weight1 @ self.input_layer + self.b1) @ self.weight2 + self.b2 ) @ self.weight3 + self.b3 ) + self.b4 ) @ self.weight5 + self.b5 )
# self.output_layer = ((self.weight4 @ normalizer(((self.weight1 @ self.input_layer + self.b1) @ self.weight2 + self.b2) @ self.weight3 + self.b3) + self.b4) @ self.weight5 + self.b5) def calculate(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Calculate NN result by using :attr:NeuralNetwork.layers with multiple layers. :return: Output layer. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ hidden_layer: numpy.ndarray = self.input_layer mask_false = 16 * [16 * [False]] for layer_index in range(LAYERS): mask_pawns = abs(hidden_layer), 0.08, 0.1699).mask mask_pieces = abs(hidden_layer), 0.17, 1.16).mask hidden_layer = (, mask=mask_pawns) @ self.w_pawns[layer_index] +[layer_index], mask=mask_pawns)) + \ (, mask=mask_pieces) @ self.w_pieces[layer_index] +[layer_index], mask=mask_pieces)) hidden_layer.mask = mask_false column_mask = 16 * [[False]] line_mask = [16 * [False]] hidden_layer = (hidden_layer @[-1], mask=column_mask) + self.b_pawns[-1]) + \ (hidden_layer @[-1], mask=column_mask) + self.b_pieces[-1]) self.output_layer = self.w_last, mask=line_mask) @ hidden_layer + self.b_last return self.output_layer
[docs] def check_move_with_transpos(self, board: str, move: str) -> bool: """Check a move with transposition. Generate inputs, calculate and return output. :param board: FEN of the board to check. :type board: str :param move: Move who will be played. :type move: str :return: Wether if move is interesting or not. :rtype: bool """ zobrist: str = chess.polyglot.zobrist_hash(chess.Board(board)) transpos_result: bool | None = self.transpositions.get( zobrist, None).get(move, None) if transpos_result is None: if self.generate_inputs(board, move): self.calculate() output = self.output() try: self.transpositions[zobrist][move] = output except KeyError: self.transpositions[zobrist] = {move: output} return output else: try: self.transpositions[zobrist][move] = True except KeyError: self.transpositions[zobrist] = {move: True} return True else: # if len(transpos_result) return transpos_result
[docs] def check_move(self, board, move): """Generate inputs, calculate and return output.""" if self.generate_inputs(board, move): self.calculate() return self.output() else: return True
[docs] def check_test(self): """Check NN on test dataset.""" file_goodmoves = self.test_good file_badmoves = self.test_bad length = len(file_goodmoves) + len(file_badmoves) errs = 0 good = 0 for inputs in file_goodmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 else: errs += 1 for inputs in file_badmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if not self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 else: errs += 1 return good / length * 100
[docs] def check_train(self): """Check NN on train dataset.""" file_goodmoves = self.train_good file_badmoves = self.train_bad errs = 0 good = 0 correct_on_good_moves = 0 correct_on_bad_moves = 0 for inputs in file_goodmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 correct_on_good_moves += 1 else: errs += 1 for inputs in file_badmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if not self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 correct_on_bad_moves += 1 else: errs += 1 return ( correct_on_good_moves, correct_on_bad_moves, len(file_goodmoves), len(file_badmoves), )
[docs] def test_full_multiprocesses(self, list_good_moves: list, list_bad_moves: list) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Test neural network on full files with multi-processing. Lists list_good_moves and list_bad_moves can be obtained from training files with open("<path>").read().split("\\n\\n"). Standard format is ["<FEN>\\n<move>", "<FEN>\\n<move>"] :param list_good_moves: List of good moves at standard format :type list_good_moves: list :param list_bad_moves: List of bad moves at standard format :type list_bad_moves: list :return: Number of correct answers on good moves, on bad moves :rtype: Tuple[int, int] """ cpu_cores: int = self.train_settings["cpu_cores"] def split(a, n): k, m = divmod(len(a), n) return list(a[i*k+min(i, m):(i+1)*k+min(i+1, m)] for i in range(n)) ## print(f"DEBUG: {list_good_moves=} {list_bad_moves=}") # Make 2 sub-lists sub_lists_good_moves = split(list_good_moves, cpu_cores) sub_lists_bad_moves = split(list_bad_moves, cpu_cores) list_good_moves1 = list_good_moves[:len(list_good_moves)//2] list_good_moves2 = list_good_moves[len(list_good_moves)//2:] list_bad_moves1 = list_bad_moves[:len(list_bad_moves)//2] list_bad_moves2 = list_bad_moves[len(list_bad_moves)//2:] ## print(f"DEBUG: {list_good_moves1=} {list_good_moves2=}") ## print(f"DEBUG: {list_bad_moves1=} {list_bad_moves2=}") # Create shared variables good_moves_data = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0) bad_moves_data = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0) # Create processes processes: list[multiprocessing.Process] = [] for p in range(cpu_cores): processes.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=self.test_full, args=(sub_lists_good_moves[p], sub_lists_bad_moves[p], True, good_moves_data, bad_moves_data) )) # Start them self.multiprocesses_result: list[int] = [0, 0] for process in processes: process.start() # Get results for process in processes: process.join() good_moves_result = good_moves_data.value bad_moves_result = bad_moves_data.value # Old results self.old_good_moves_result = good_moves_result self.old_bad_moves_result = bad_moves_result # Return return good_moves_result, bad_moves_result
[docs] def test_full(self, list_good_moves: list, list_bad_moves: list, sub=False, good_moves_data=0, bad_moves_data=0) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Test neural network on full files. Lists list_good_moves and list_bad_moves can be obtained from training files with open("<path>").read().split("\\n\\n"). Standard format is ["<FEN>\\n<move>", "<FEN>\\n<move>"] :param list_good_moves: List of good moves at standard format :type list_good_moves: list :param list_bad_moves: List of bad moves at standard format :type list_bad_moves: list :return: Number of correct answers on good moves, on bad moves :rtype: Tuple[int, int] """ if len(list_good_moves) > 2 and not sub: return self.test_full_multiprocesses(list_good_moves, list_bad_moves) good_moves_result = 0 bad_moves_result = 0 for position_and_move in list_good_moves: position = position_and_move.split("\n")[0] move = position_and_move.split("\n")[1] if self.check_move(position, move): good_moves_result += 1 for position_and_move in list_bad_moves: position = position_and_move.split("\n")[0] move = position_and_move.split("\n")[1] if not self.check_move(position, move): bad_moves_result += 1 ## print(f"DEBUG: crocrodile.nn.NeuralNetwork.test_full: {good_moves_result=} {bad_moves_result=}") try: good_moves_data.value = good_moves_data.value + good_moves_result bad_moves_data.value = bad_moves_data.value + bad_moves_result except: pass self.old_good_moves_result = good_moves_result self.old_bad_moves_result = bad_moves_result ## print(f"DEBUG: crocrodile.nn.NeuralNetwork.test_full: {self.multiprocesses_result=}") return good_moves_result, bad_moves_result
[docs] def test_new(self, new_good_move: str, new_bad_moves: list) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Test neural network on new moves new_good_move and new_bad_moves. Standard format is ["<FEN>\\n<move>", "<FEN>\\n<move>"] Standard format for new_good_move is "<FEN>\\n<move>" :param list_good_moves: The new good move to test at standard format :type list_good_moves: list :param list_bad_moves: The new bad moves to test at standard format :type list_bad_moves: list :return: Total number of correct answers on good moves, on bad moves :rtype: Tuple[int, int] """ good_moves_result = int(self.old_good_moves_result) bad_moves_result = int(self.old_bad_moves_result) position = new_good_move.split("\n")[0] move = new_good_move.split("\n")[1] if self.check_move(position, move): good_moves_result += 1 for position_and_move in new_bad_moves: position = position_and_move.split("\n")[0] move = position_and_move.split("\n")[1] if not self.check_move(position, move): bad_moves_result += 1 self.old_good_moves_result = good_moves_result self.old_bad_moves_result = bad_moves_result return good_moves_result, bad_moves_result
[docs] def test(self, list_good_moves: list, list_bad_moves: list) -> tuple[int]: """ Test neural network. Used by basics training. :param list_good_moves: List of good moves at format ["<FEN>\\n<Good move>", "<FEN>\\n<Good move>"] :type list_good_moves: list :param list_bad_moves: List of bad moves at format ["<FEN>\\n<Bad move>", "<FEN>\\n<Bad move>"] :type list_bad_moves: list :return: Tupple (Number of correct answers on good moves, Number of correct answers on bad moves) :rtype: tuple[int] """ good_moves_result = 0 bad_moves_result = 0 for position_and_move in list_good_moves: position = position_and_move.split("\n")[0] move = position_and_move.split("\n")[1] if self.check_move(position, move): good_moves_result += 1 for position_and_move in list_bad_moves: position = position_and_move.split("\n")[0] move = position_and_move.split("\n")[1] if self.check_move(position, move): bad_moves_result += 1 return good_moves_result, bad_moves_result
[docs] def train(self): """Train Neural Network.""" self.change_files() max_iters = int(input("Maximum iterations : ")) iters = 0 success_objective = float(input("Success objective (in percents) : ")) max_diff = float( input("Maximal difference between training and test" + " success rates : ") ) balance = float( input( "Balance between good moves and bad moves (>1 to enhance good moves success rate) : " ) ) on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves = self.check_train() old_on_good_moves, old_on_bad_moves, old_good_moves, old_bad_moves = ( on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves, ) success = ( (balance * on_good_moves + on_bad_moves) / (balance * good_moves + bad_moves) * 100 ) diff = success - self.check_test() precedent_difference = abs( ((on_good_moves / good_moves) - (on_bad_moves / bad_moves)) * 100 ) mutation_rate = float(input("Mutation rate (in percents) : ")) mutation_change = float(input("Mutation change : ")) inverse_rate = 100 / mutation_rate print( f"Success : {success} / Diff : {diff} / Precedent difference : {precedent_difference}" ) normalizer = numpy.vectorize(self.normalisation) while iters < max_iters and success_objective > success and diff < max_diff: iters += 1 print("Training #" + str(iters)) random_matrix1 = ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) random_matrix4 = ( numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) random_matrix5 = ( numpy.random.rand(64, 1) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) random_matrixb5 = ( numpy.random.rand(1, 1) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) rand1 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) rand2 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) rand3 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) rand4 = numpy.random.rand( 1, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) rand5 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 1) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) randb1 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) randb2 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) randb3 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) randb4 = numpy.random.rand( 1, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) randb5 = numpy.random.rand( 1, 1) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) new_weight1 = numpy.heaviside(rand1, 0) * self.cweight1 new_weight2 = numpy.heaviside(rand2, 0) * self.cweight2 new_weight3 = numpy.heaviside(rand3, 0) * self.cweight3 new_weight4 = numpy.heaviside(rand4, 0) * self.cweight4 new_weight5 = numpy.heaviside(rand5, 0) * self.cweight5 new_b1 = numpy.heaviside(randb1, 0) * self.cb1 new_b2 = numpy.heaviside(randb2, 0) * self.cb2 new_b3 = numpy.heaviside(randb3, 0) * self.cb3 new_b4 = numpy.heaviside(randb4, 0) * self.cb4 new_b5 = numpy.heaviside(randb5, 0) * self.cb5 self.weight1 = self.weight1 + random_matrix1 * new_weight1 self.weight2 = self.weight2 + random_matrix1 * new_weight2 self.weight3 = self.weight3 + random_matrix1 * new_weight3 self.weight4 = self.weight4 + random_matrix4 * new_weight4 self.weight5 = self.weight5 + random_matrix5 * new_weight5 self.b1 = self.b1 + random_matrix1 * new_b1 self.b2 = self.b2 + random_matrix1 * new_b2 self.b3 = self.b3 + random_matrix1 * new_b3 self.b4 = self.b4 + random_matrix4 * new_b4 self.b5 = self.b5 + random_matrixb5 * new_b5 on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves = self.check_train() next_success = ( (balance * on_good_moves + on_bad_moves) / (balance * good_moves + bad_moves) * 100 ) print( "Test success rate :", next_success, "(on good moves :", (on_good_moves / good_moves) * 100, "% / on bad moves :", (on_bad_moves / bad_moves) * 100, "% )", ) # difference = abs(((on_good_moves / good_moves) - (on_bad_moves / bad_moves)) * 100) # - 0.5 * (difference - precedent_difference): # or difference > precedent_difference: if next_success < success: print("Reseting") self.weight1 = self.weight1 - random_matrix1 * new_weight1 self.weight2 = self.weight2 - random_matrix1 * new_weight2 self.weight3 = self.weight3 - random_matrix1 * new_weight3 self.weight4 = self.weight4 - random_matrix4 * new_weight4 self.weight5 = self.weight5 - random_matrix5 * new_weight5 self.b1 = self.b1 - random_matrix1 * new_b1 self.b2 = self.b2 - random_matrix1 * new_b2 self.b3 = self.b3 - random_matrix1 * new_b3 self.b4 = self.b4 - random_matrix4 * new_b4 self.b5 = self.b5 - random_matrixb5 * new_b5 # Nouvelle matrice consolidation = Ancienne - 0.05 * heaviside(matrice aléatorie, 0) * ancienne self.cweight1 = ( self.cweight1 - 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand1, 0) * self.cweight1 ) self.cweight2 = ( self.cweight2 - 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand2, 0) * self.cweight2 ) self.cweight3 = ( self.cweight3 - 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand3, 0) * self.cweight3 ) self.cweight4 = ( self.cweight4 - 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand4, 0) * self.cweight4 ) self.cweight5 = ( self.cweight5 - 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand5, 0) * self.cweight5 ) self.cb1 = self.cb1 - 0.05 * \ numpy.heaviside(randb1, 0) * self.cb1 self.cb2 = self.cb2 - 0.05 * \ numpy.heaviside(randb2, 0) * self.cb2 self.cb3 = self.cb3 - 0.05 * \ numpy.heaviside(randb3, 0) * self.cb3 self.cb4 = self.cb4 - 0.05 * \ numpy.heaviside(randb4, 0) * self.cb4 self.cb5 = self.cb5 - 0.05 * \ numpy.heaviside(randb5, 0) * self.cb5 on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves = ( old_on_good_moves, old_on_bad_moves, old_good_moves, old_bad_moves, ) elif next_success == success: print("Equal") else: # Check test take some time, but it's essential not to overtrain diff = success - self.check_test() # Nouvelle matrice consolidation = Normalisation(Ancienne + 0.05 * heaviside(matrice aléatorie, 0) * ancienne) self.cweight1 = normalizer( self.cweight1 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand1, 0) * self.cweight1 ) self.cweight2 = normalizer( self.cweight2 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand2, 0) * self.cweight2 ) self.cweight3 = normalizer( self.cweight3 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand3, 0) * self.cweight3 ) self.cweight4 = normalizer( self.cweight4 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand4, 0) * self.cweight4 ) self.cweight5 = normalizer( self.cweight5 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(rand5, 0) * self.cweight5 ) self.cb1 = normalizer( self.cb1 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(randb1, 0) * self.cb1 ) self.cb2 = normalizer( self.cb2 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(randb2, 0) * self.cb2 ) self.cb3 = normalizer( self.cb3 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(randb3, 0) * self.cb3 ) self.cb4 = normalizer( self.cb4 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(randb4, 0) * self.cb4 ) self.cb5 = normalizer( self.cb5 + 0.05 * numpy.heaviside(randb5, 0) * self.cb5 ) old_on_good_moves, old_on_bad_moves, old_good_moves, old_bad_moves = ( on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves, ) success = ( (balance * on_good_moves + on_bad_moves) / (balance * good_moves + bad_moves) * 100 ) precedent_difference = abs( ((on_good_moves / good_moves) - (on_bad_moves / bad_moves)) * 100 ) print( "New success rate :", success, "(on good moves :", (on_good_moves / good_moves) * 100, "% / on bad moves :", (on_bad_moves / bad_moves) * 100, "% )", ) if iters % 100 == 0: print("Saved") print("Saved.")
[docs] def genetic_train(self): """ Genetic training algorithm. New training algorithm using a real genetic algorithm. """ self.load_networks() def sprint(value): centered = print("********** {0} **********".format(centered)) tests_weight1 = list() tests_weight2 = list() tests_weight3 = list() tests_weight4 = list() tests_weight5 = list() tests_bias1 = list() tests_bias2 = list() tests_bias3 = list() tests_bias4 = list() tests_bias5 = list() self.genetic_configure() max_iters = self.genetic_train_settings["max_iters"] max_success = self.genetic_train_settings["max_success"] balance = self.genetic_train_settings["balance"] inverse_rate = 100 / self.genetic_train_settings["mutation_rate"] mutation_change = self.genetic_train_settings["mutation_change"] sprint("Initialize") iters = 0 print("Calculating first success...", end=" ", flush=True) on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves = self.check_train() success = ( (balance * on_good_moves + on_bad_moves) / (balance * good_moves + bad_moves) * 100 ) print("Done.") print("Loading networks... (counting networks)", end="\r", flush=True) population = self.genetic_train_settings["population"] for loop in range(population): print( f"Loading networks... ({loop}/{population}) ", end="\r", flush=True, ) tests_weight1.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w1.csv")) tests_weight2.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w2.csv")) tests_weight3.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w3.csv")) tests_weight4.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w4.csv")) tests_weight5.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-w5.csv")) tests_bias1.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b1.csv")) tests_bias2.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b2.csv")) tests_bias3.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b3.csv")) tests_bias4.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b4.csv")) tests_bias5.append(self.csv_to_array(f"nns/{loop}-b5.csv")) print("Loading networks... Done. ") print("Loading tests results...", end=" ", flush=True) tests_results = self.csv_to_array("nns/results.csv") tests_results = list(tests_results) for indice, element in enumerate(tests_results): tests_results[indice] = element[0] print("Done.") # while iters < max_iters and success < max_success: iters += 1 sprint("Training #{0}".format(iters)) print("Selecting best networks...", end=" ", flush=True) maxis_brut = heapq.nlargest(32, tests_results) maxis = list() for element in maxis_brut: maxis.append(element) maxis_indices = [] for element in range(32): maxis_indices.append(tests_results.index(maxis[element])) minis_brut = heapq.nsmallest(32, tests_results) minis = list() for element in minis_brut: if type(element) == list: minis.append(element[0]) else: minis.append(element) minis_indices = sorted( range(len(tests_results)), key=lambda sub: tests_results[sub] )[:32] print("Done.") liste = [] for count in range(8): liste.append( "#" + str(minis_indices[count]) + " (" + str(minis[count]) + ")" ) print(f"Worst networks : {', '.join(liste)}") liste = [] for count in range(8): liste.append( "#" + str(maxis_indices[count]) + " (" + str(maxis[count]) + ")" ) print(f"Best networks : {', '.join(liste)}") for network_indice in range(32): print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (selecting second network)", end="\r", flush=True, ) cont = True while cont: cont = False rand = random.randint(0, population - 1) if rand in minis_indices or rand in maxis_indices: cont = True second_network = rand print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (generating coupling matrixes)", end="\r", flush=True, ) choose_w1 = numpy.zeros((64, 64)) choose_w2 = numpy.zeros((64, 64)) choose_w3 = numpy.zeros((64, 64)) choose_matrixes1 = [choose_w1, choose_w2, choose_w3] for choose_matrix in choose_matrixes1: # True : column else line direction = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) for line in range(len(choose_matrix)): for column in range(len(choose_matrix[0])): if random.random() < 0.001: choose = not choose fill = int(choose) if direction: choose_matrix[line][column] = fill else: choose_matrix[column][line] = fill choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) choose_w5 = numpy.zeros((64, 1)) for line in range(64): if random.random() < 0.0625: choose = not choose choose_w5[line][0] = int(choose) choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) choose_w4 = numpy.zeros((1, 64)) for column in range(64): if random.random() < 0.0625: choose = not choose choose_w4[0][column] = int(choose) choose_b1 = choose_w1 choose_b2 = choose_w2 choose_b3 = choose_w3 choose_b4 = numpy.zeros((1, 64)) choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) for column in range(64): if random.random() < 0.0625: choose = not choose choose_b4[0][column] = int(choose) choose_b5 = numpy.array([[int(bool(random.getrandbits(1)))]]) print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (coupling) ", end="\r", flush=True, ) tests_weight1[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight1[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w1 + tests_weight1[second_network] * (1 - choose_w1) tests_weight2[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight2[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w2 + tests_weight2[second_network] * (1 - choose_w2) tests_weight3[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight3[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w3 + tests_weight3[second_network] * (1 - choose_w3) tests_weight4[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight4[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w4 + tests_weight4[second_network] * (1 - choose_w4) tests_weight5[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight5[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w5 + tests_weight5[second_network] * (1 - choose_w5) tests_bias1[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias1[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b1 + tests_bias1[second_network] * (1 - choose_b1) tests_bias2[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias2[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b2 + tests_bias2[second_network] * (1 - choose_b2) tests_bias3[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias3[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b3 + tests_bias3[second_network] * (1 - choose_b3) tests_bias4[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias4[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b4 + tests_bias4[second_network] * (1 - choose_b4) tests_bias5[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias5[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b5 + tests_bias5[second_network] * (1 - choose_b5) tests_weight1[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight2[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight3[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight4[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight5[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(64, 1) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 1) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias1[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias2[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias3[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias4[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias5[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(1, 1) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(1, 1) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (testing) ", end="\r", flush=True, ) self.weight1 = tests_weight1[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight2 = tests_weight2[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight3 = tests_weight3[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight4 = tests_weight4[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight5 = tests_weight5[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b1 = tests_bias1[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b2 = tests_bias2[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b3 = tests_bias3[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b4 = tests_bias4[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b5 = tests_bias5[minis_indices[network_indice]] on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves = self.check_train() difference = abs( ((on_good_moves / good_moves) - (on_bad_moves / bad_moves)) * 100 ) success = ( (balance * on_good_moves + on_bad_moves) / (balance * good_moves + bad_moves) * 100 ) tests_results[minis_indices[network_indice] ] = success - difference print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... Done. ", end="\r", flush=True, ) """ random_matrix1 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change rand1 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) new_weight1 = numpy.heaviside(rand1, 0) * self.cweight1 self.weight1 = self.weight1 + random_matrix1 * new_weight1 """ print("Coupling networks... Done. ") print( f"Mean performance : {(sum(tests_results) / len(tests_results))}") if iters % 3 == 0 and iters: for loop in range(population): print( f"Saving networks... ({loop}/{population})", end="\r", flush=True, ) self.array_to_csv( tests_weight1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w1.csv") self.array_to_csv( tests_weight2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w2.csv") self.array_to_csv( tests_weight3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w3.csv") self.array_to_csv( tests_weight4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w4.csv") self.array_to_csv( tests_weight5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w5.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b1.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b2.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b3.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b4.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b5.csv") print("Saving networks... Done. ") print("Saving tests result...", end=" ", flush=True) saved_results = list() for element in tests_results: saved_results.append([float(element)]) self.array_to_csv(saved_results, "nns/results.csv") print("Done.")
[docs] def genetic_random(self): """Random NNs for genetic algorithm.""" tests_weight1 = list() tests_weight2 = list() tests_weight3 = list() tests_weight4 = list() tests_weight5 = list() tests_bias1 = list() tests_bias2 = list() tests_bias3 = list() tests_bias4 = list() tests_bias5 = list() number = int(input("Population : ")) for loop in range(number): print( f"Generating random networks... ({loop}/{number})", end="\r", flush=True ) tests_weight1.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_weight2.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_weight3.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_weight4.append(numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_weight5.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 1) * 2 - 1) tests_bias1.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_bias2.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_bias3.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_bias4.append(numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_bias5.append(numpy.random.rand(1, 1) * 2 - 1) print("Generating random networks... Done. ") for loop in range(number): print( f"Saving random networks... ({loop}/{number})", end="\r", flush=True) self.array_to_csv(tests_weight1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w1.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w2.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w3.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w4.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w5.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b1.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b2.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b3.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b4.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b5.csv") print("Saving random networks... Done. ") print("Configure testing...") self.change_files() balance = float( input( "Balance between good moves and bad moves (>1 to enhance good moves success rate) : " ) ) print("Done.") tests_results = list() for loop in range(number): print( f"Testing networks... ({loop}/{number})", end="\r", flush=True) self.weight1 = tests_weight1[loop] self.weight2 = tests_weight2[loop] self.weight3 = tests_weight3[loop] self.weight4 = tests_weight4[loop] self.weight5 = tests_weight5[loop] self.b1 = tests_bias1[loop] self.b2 = tests_bias2[loop] self.b3 = tests_bias3[loop] self.b4 = tests_bias4[loop] self.b5 = tests_bias5[loop] on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves = self.check_train() difference = abs( ((on_good_moves / good_moves) - (on_bad_moves / bad_moves)) * 100 ) success = ( (balance * on_good_moves + on_bad_moves) / (balance * good_moves + bad_moves) * 100 ) tests_results.append([success - difference]) print("Testing networks... Done. ") print("Saving tests result...", end=" ", flush=True) self.array_to_csv(tests_results, "nns/results.csv") print("Done.") print("Reseting neural network...", end=" ", flush=True) self.weight1 = self.csv_to_array("w1.csv") self.weight2 = self.csv_to_array("w2.csv") self.weight3 = self.csv_to_array("w3.csv") self.weight4 = self.csv_to_array("w4.csv") self.weight5 = self.csv_to_array("w5.csv") self.b1 = self.csv_to_array("b1.csv") self.b2 = self.csv_to_array("b2.csv") self.b3 = self.csv_to_array("b3.csv") self.b4 = self.csv_to_array("b4.csv") self.b5 = self.csv_to_array("b5.csv") print("Done.") print("Configuring network...", end=" ", flush=True) self.genetic_train_settings["population"] = number self.genetic_save(confirmation=False) print("Done.")
[docs] def genetic_configure(self): """Configure genetic training algorithm.""" def sprint(value): centered = print("********** {0} **********".format(centered)) sprint("Configuration") confirm = input("Do you want to configure training ? [y/N] ") if confirm.lower() in ("y", "yes"): sprint("Select files") self.change_files() sprint("Configure training") self.genetic_train_settings["max_iters"] = int( input("Maximum iterations : ") ) self.genetic_train_settings["max_success"] = float( input("Maximum success rate : ") ) self.genetic_train_settings["balance"] = float( input( "Balance between good moves and bad moves (>1 to enhance good moves success rate) : " ) ) self.genetic_train_settings["mutation_rate"] = float( input("Mutation rate (in percents) : ") ) self.genetic_train_settings["mutation_change"] = float( input("Mutation change : ") ) self.genetic_save()
[docs] def genetic_save(self, confirmation=True): """Save genetic algorithm configuration.""" if confirmation: confirm = input("Save configuration ? [y/N] ") if confirm.lower() in ("y", "yes"): with open("nns/settings.json", "w") as file: file.write(json.dumps(self.genetic_train_settings)) else: with open("nns/settings.json", "w") as file: file.write(json.dumps(self.genetic_train_settings))
[docs] def check_always_same(self): """Check success rating on good moves and on bad moves.""" with open(self.train_good) as file: file_goodmoves = file.close() with open(self.train_bad) as file: file_badmoves = file.close() file_goodmoves = file_goodmoves.split("\n\n") file_badmoves = file_badmoves.split("\n\n") errs = 0 good = 0 good_on_good_moves = 0 good_on_bad_moves = 0 for inputs in file_goodmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 good_on_good_moves += 1 else: errs += 1 for inputs in file_badmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if not self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 good_on_bad_moves += 1 else: errs += 1 print( "Success rate on good moves : {0}%".format( good_on_good_moves / len(file_goodmoves) * 100 ) ) print( "Success rate on bad moves : {0}%".format( good_on_bad_moves / len(file_badmoves) * 100 ) )
[docs] def check_difference(self): """Check success rate on good moves and on bad moves and return it.""" file_goodmoves = self.train_good file_badmoves = self.train_bad file_goodmoves = file_goodmoves.split("\n\n") file_badmoves = file_badmoves.split("\n\n") errs = 0 good = 0 good_on_good_moves = 0 good_on_bad_moves = 0 for inputs in file_goodmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 good_on_good_moves += 1 else: errs += 1 for inputs in file_badmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if not self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 good_on_bad_moves += 1 else: errs += 1 return abs( (good_on_good_moves / len(file_goodmoves) * 100) - (good_on_bad_moves / len(file_badmoves) * 100) )
[docs] @staticmethod def array_to_csv(array, csv_path): """Write array in csv_path CSV file.""" array = list(array) with open(csv_path, "w", newline="") as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerows(array) file.close() return 0
def save(self): """Save Neural Network.""" self.array_to_csv(self.weight1, "w1.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.weight2, "w2.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.weight3, "w3.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.weight4, "w4.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.weight5, "w5.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.b1, "b1.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.b2, "b2.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.b3, "b3.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.b4, "b4.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.b5, "b5.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cweight1, "cw1.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cweight2, "cw2.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cweight3, "cw3.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cweight4, "cw4.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cweight5, "cw5.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cb1, "cb1.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cb2, "cb2.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cb3, "cb3.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cb4, "cb4.csv") self.array_to_csv(self.cb5, "cb5.csv")
[docs] @staticmethod def normalisation(array): """Normalisation.""" return numpy.clip(array, 0, 1)
[docs] def change_files(self): """Change files locations.""" self.train_good = input("Good moves training file : ") self.train_bad = input("Bad moves training file : ") self.test_good = input("Good moves test file : ") self.test_bad = input("Bad moves test file : ") self.genetic_train_settings["train_good"] = self.train_good self.genetic_train_settings["test_good"] = self.test_good self.genetic_train_settings["train_bad"] = self.train_bad self.genetic_train_settings["test_bad"] = self.test_bad self.train_good = open(self.train_good).read().split("\n\n") self.train_bad = open(self.train_bad).read().split("\n\n") self.test_good = open(self.test_good).read().split("\n\n") self.test_bad = open(self.test_bad).read().split("\n\n")
[docs] def masters_check_train(self): """Check NN on train dataset.""" file_goodmoves = self.masters_train_good file_badmoves = self.masters_train_bad errs = 0 good = 0 correct_on_good_moves = 0 correct_on_bad_moves = 0 for inputs in file_goodmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 correct_on_good_moves += 1 else: errs += 1 for inputs in file_badmoves: pos = inputs.split("\n")[0] mve = inputs.split("\n")[1] if not self.check_move(pos, mve): good += 1 correct_on_bad_moves += 1 else: errs += 1 return ( correct_on_good_moves, correct_on_bad_moves, len(file_goodmoves), len(file_badmoves), )
[docs] def masters_genetic_train(self, masters_good_moves, masters_bad_moves, config): """ Genetic training algorithm. New training algorithm using a real genetic algorithm. """ self.load_networks() def sprint(value): centered = print("********** {0} **********".format(centered)) tests_weight1 = self.tests_weight1 tests_weight2 = self.tests_weight2 tests_weight3 = self.tests_weight3 tests_weight4 = self.tests_weight4 tests_weight5 = self.tests_weight5 tests_bias1 = self.tests_bias1 tests_bias2 = self.tests_bias2 tests_bias3 = self.tests_bias3 tests_bias4 = self.tests_bias4 tests_bias5 = self.tests_bias5 self.masters_train_good = masters_good_moves.split("\n\n") self.masters_train_bad = masters_bad_moves.split("\n\n") max_iters = 200 max_success = 100 inverse_rate = 100 / config["mutation_rate"] mutation_change = config["mutation_change"] sprint("Initialize") iters = 0 tests_results = list() population = self.genetic_train_settings["population"] for loop in range(population): print( f"Testing networks... ({loop}/{population})", end="\r", flush=True) self.weight1 = tests_weight1[loop] self.weight2 = tests_weight2[loop] self.weight3 = tests_weight3[loop] self.weight4 = tests_weight4[loop] self.weight5 = tests_weight5[loop] self.b1 = tests_bias1[loop] self.b2 = tests_bias2[loop] self.b3 = tests_bias3[loop] self.b4 = tests_bias4[loop] self.b5 = tests_bias5[loop] ( on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves, ) = self.masters_check_train() success = ( (on_good_moves / good_moves) ** 2 * (on_bad_moves / bad_moves) ) * 100 tests_results.append([success]) print("Testing networks... Done. ") print("Saving tests result...", end=" ", flush=True) self.array_to_csv(tests_results, "nns/results.csv") print("Done.") print("Reseting neural network...", end=" ", flush=True) self.weight1 = self.csv_to_array("w1.csv") self.weight2 = self.csv_to_array("w2.csv") self.weight3 = self.csv_to_array("w3.csv") self.weight4 = self.csv_to_array("w4.csv") self.weight5 = self.csv_to_array("w5.csv") self.b1 = self.csv_to_array("b1.csv") self.b2 = self.csv_to_array("b2.csv") self.b3 = self.csv_to_array("b3.csv") self.b4 = self.csv_to_array("b4.csv") self.b5 = self.csv_to_array("b5.csv") print("Done.") print("Loading tests results...", end=" ", flush=True) tests_results = self.csv_to_array("nns/results.csv") tests_results = list(tests_results) for indice, element in enumerate(tests_results): tests_results[indice] = element[0] print("Done.") # while iters < max_iters and success < max_success: iters += 1 sprint("Training #{0}".format(iters)) print("Selecting best networks...", end=" ", flush=True) maxis_brut = sorted(tests_results, reverse=True)[:32] maxis = list() for element in maxis_brut: maxis.append(element) maxis_indices = sorted( range(len(tests_results)), key=lambda sub: tests_results[sub], reverse=True, )[:4] minis_brut = sorted(tests_results)[:4] minis = list() for element in minis_brut: minis.append(element) minis_indices = sorted( range(len(tests_results)), key=lambda sub: tests_results[sub] )[:4] print("Done.") liste = [] for count in range(4): liste.append( "#" + str(minis_indices[count]) + " (" + str(minis[count]) + ")" ) print(f"Worst networks : {', '.join(liste)}") liste = [] for count in range(4): liste.append( "#" + str(maxis_indices[count]) + " (" + str(maxis[count]) + ")" ) print(f"Best networks : {', '.join(liste)}") for network_indice in range(4): print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (selecting second network)", end="\r", flush=True, ) cont = True while cont: cont = False rand = random.randint(0, population - 1) if rand in minis_indices or rand in maxis_indices: cont = True second_network = rand print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (generating coupling matrixes)", end="\r", flush=True, ) choose_w1 = numpy.zeros((64, 64)) choose_w2 = numpy.zeros((64, 64)) choose_w3 = numpy.zeros((64, 64)) choose_matrixes1 = [choose_w1, choose_w2, choose_w3] for choose_matrix in choose_matrixes1: # True : column else line direction = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) for line in range(len(choose_matrix)): for column in range(len(choose_matrix[0])): if random.random() < 0.001: choose = not choose fill = int(choose) if direction: choose_matrix[line][column] = fill else: choose_matrix[column][line] = fill choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) choose_w5 = numpy.zeros((64, 1)) for line in range(64): if random.random() < 0.0625: choose = not choose choose_w5[line][0] = int(choose) choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) choose_w4 = numpy.zeros((1, 64)) for column in range(64): if random.random() < 0.0625: choose = not choose choose_w4[0][column] = int(choose) choose_b1 = choose_w1 choose_b2 = choose_w2 choose_b3 = choose_w3 choose_b4 = numpy.zeros((1, 64)) choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) for column in range(64): if random.random() < 0.0625: choose = not choose choose_b4[0][column] = int(choose) choose_b5 = numpy.array([[int(bool(random.getrandbits(1)))]]) print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (coupling) ", end="\r", flush=True, ) tests_weight1[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight1[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w1 + tests_weight1[second_network] * (1 - choose_w1) tests_weight2[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight2[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w2 + tests_weight2[second_network] * (1 - choose_w2) tests_weight3[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight3[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w3 + tests_weight3[second_network] * (1 - choose_w3) tests_weight4[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight4[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w4 + tests_weight4[second_network] * (1 - choose_w4) tests_weight5[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight5[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w5 + tests_weight5[second_network] * (1 - choose_w5) tests_bias1[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias1[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b1 + tests_bias1[second_network] * (1 - choose_b1) tests_bias2[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias2[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b2 + tests_bias2[second_network] * (1 - choose_b2) tests_bias3[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias3[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b3 + tests_bias3[second_network] * (1 - choose_b3) tests_bias4[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias4[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b4 + tests_bias4[second_network] * (1 - choose_b4) tests_bias5[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias5[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b5 + tests_bias5[second_network] * (1 - choose_b5) tests_weight1[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight2[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight3[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight4[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight5[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(64, 1) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 1) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias1[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias2[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias3[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias4[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias5[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(1, 1) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(1, 1) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (testing) ", end="\r", flush=True, ) self.weight1 = tests_weight1[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight2 = tests_weight2[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight3 = tests_weight3[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight4 = tests_weight4[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight5 = tests_weight5[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b1 = tests_bias1[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b2 = tests_bias2[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b3 = tests_bias3[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b4 = tests_bias4[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b5 = tests_bias5[minis_indices[network_indice]] ( on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves, ) = self.masters_check_train() success = ( (on_good_moves / good_moves) ** 2 * (on_bad_moves / bad_moves) ) * 100 tests_results[minis_indices[network_indice]] = success print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... Done. ", end="\r", flush=True, ) """ random_matrix1 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change rand1 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) new_weight1 = numpy.heaviside(rand1, 0) * self.cweight1 self.weight1 = self.weight1 + random_matrix1 * new_weight1 """ print("Coupling networks... Done. ") print( f"Mean performance : {(sum(tests_results) / len(tests_results))}") for loop in range(population): print( f"Saving networks... ({loop}/{population})", end="\r", flush=True) self.array_to_csv(tests_weight1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w1.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w2.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w3.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w4.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w5.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b1.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b2.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b3.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b4.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b5.csv") print("Saving networks... Done. ") print("Saving tests result...", end=" ", flush=True) saved_results = list() for element in tests_results: saved_results.append([float(element)]) self.array_to_csv(saved_results, "nns/results.csv") print("Done.")
[docs] def masters_random(self): """Random NNs for genetic masters training algorithm.""" tests_weight1 = list() tests_weight2 = list() tests_weight3 = list() tests_weight4 = list() tests_weight5 = list() tests_bias1 = list() tests_bias2 = list() tests_bias3 = list() tests_bias4 = list() tests_bias5 = list() number = int(input("Population : ")) for loop in range(number): print( f"Generating random networks... ({loop}/{number})", end="\r", flush=True ) tests_weight1.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_weight2.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_weight3.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_weight4.append(numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_weight5.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 1) * 2 - 1) tests_bias1.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_bias2.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_bias3.append(numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_bias4.append(numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * 2 - 1) tests_bias5.append(numpy.random.rand(1, 1) * 2 - 1) print("Generating random networks... Done. ") for loop in range(number): print( f"Saving random networks... ({loop}/{number})", end="\r", flush=True) self.array_to_csv(tests_weight1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w1.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w2.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w3.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w4.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w5.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b1.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b2.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b3.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b4.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b5.csv") print("Saving random networks... Done. ")
def basics_training(self, good_moves_list: list, bad_moves_list: list) -> NoneType: def sprint(value): centered = print("********** {0} **********".format(centered)) tests_weight1 = self.tests_weight1 tests_weight2 = self.tests_weight2 tests_weight3 = self.tests_weight3 tests_weight4 = self.tests_weight4 tests_weight5 = self.tests_weight5 tests_bias1 = self.tests_bias1 tests_bias2 = self.tests_bias2 tests_bias3 = self.tests_bias3 tests_bias4 = self.tests_bias4 tests_bias5 = self.tests_bias5 self.masters_train_good = good_moves_list self.masters_train_bad = bad_moves_list config = self.genetic_train_settings max_iters = 200 max_success = 100 inverse_rate = 100 / config["mutation_rate"] mutation_change = config["mutation_change"] sprint("Initialize") iters = 0 tests_results = list() population = self.genetic_train_settings["population"] for loop in range(population): print( f"Testing networks... ({loop}/{population})", end="\r", flush=True) self.weight1 = tests_weight1[loop] self.weight2 = tests_weight2[loop] self.weight3 = tests_weight3[loop] self.weight4 = tests_weight4[loop] self.weight5 = tests_weight5[loop] self.b1 = tests_bias1[loop] self.b2 = tests_bias2[loop] self.b3 = tests_bias3[loop] self.b4 = tests_bias4[loop] self.b5 = tests_bias5[loop] ( on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves, ) = self.masters_check_train() success = ( (on_good_moves / good_moves) ** 2 * (on_bad_moves / bad_moves) ) * 100 tests_results.append([success]) print("Testing networks... Done. ") print("Saving tests result...", end=" ", flush=True) self.array_to_csv(tests_results, "nns/results.csv") print("Done.") print("Reseting neural network...", end=" ", flush=True) self.weight1 = self.csv_to_array("w1.csv") self.weight2 = self.csv_to_array("w2.csv") self.weight3 = self.csv_to_array("w3.csv") self.weight4 = self.csv_to_array("w4.csv") self.weight5 = self.csv_to_array("w5.csv") self.b1 = self.csv_to_array("b1.csv") self.b2 = self.csv_to_array("b2.csv") self.b3 = self.csv_to_array("b3.csv") self.b4 = self.csv_to_array("b4.csv") self.b5 = self.csv_to_array("b5.csv") print("Done.") print("Loading tests results...", end=" ", flush=True) tests_results = self.csv_to_array("nns/results.csv") tests_results = list(tests_results) for indice, element in enumerate(tests_results): tests_results[indice] = element[0] print("Done.") # while iters < max_iters and success < max_success: print("debug") print(on_good_moves) print(on_bad_moves) print("end") iters += 1 sprint("Training #{0}".format(iters)) print("Selecting best networks...", end=" ", flush=True) maxis_brut = sorted(tests_results, reverse=True)[:32] maxis = list() for element in maxis_brut: maxis.append(element) maxis_indices = sorted( range(len(tests_results)), key=lambda sub: tests_results[sub], reverse=True, )[:4] minis_brut = sorted(tests_results)[:4] minis = list() for element in minis_brut: minis.append(element) minis_indices = sorted( range(len(tests_results)), key=lambda sub: tests_results[sub] )[:4] print("Done.") liste = [] for count in range(4): liste.append( "#" + str(minis_indices[count]) + " (" + str(minis[count]) + ")" ) print(f"Worst networks : {', '.join(liste)}") liste = [] for count in range(4): liste.append( "#" + str(maxis_indices[count]) + " (" + str(maxis[count]) + ")" ) print(f"Best networks : {', '.join(liste)}") for network_indice in range(4): print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (selecting second network)", end="\r", flush=True, ) cont = True while cont: cont = False rand = random.randint(0, population - 1) if rand in minis_indices or rand in maxis_indices: cont = True second_network = rand print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (generating coupling matrixes)", end="\r", flush=True, ) choose_w1 = numpy.zeros((64, 64)) choose_w2 = numpy.zeros((64, 64)) choose_w3 = numpy.zeros((64, 64)) choose_matrixes1 = [choose_w1, choose_w2, choose_w3] for choose_matrix in choose_matrixes1: # True : column else line direction = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) for line in range(len(choose_matrix)): for column in range(len(choose_matrix[0])): if random.random() < 0.001: choose = not choose fill = int(choose) if direction: choose_matrix[line][column] = fill else: choose_matrix[column][line] = fill choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) choose_w5 = numpy.zeros((64, 1)) for line in range(64): if random.random() < 0.0625: choose = not choose choose_w5[line][0] = int(choose) choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) choose_w4 = numpy.zeros((1, 64)) for column in range(64): if random.random() < 0.0625: choose = not choose choose_w4[0][column] = int(choose) choose_b1 = choose_w1 choose_b2 = choose_w2 choose_b3 = choose_w3 choose_b4 = numpy.zeros((1, 64)) choose = bool(random.getrandbits(1)) for column in range(64): if random.random() < 0.0625: choose = not choose choose_b4[0][column] = int(choose) choose_b5 = numpy.array([[int(bool(random.getrandbits(1)))]]) print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (coupling) ", end="\r", flush=True, ) tests_weight1[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight1[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w1 + tests_weight1[second_network] * (1 - choose_w1) tests_weight2[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight2[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w2 + tests_weight2[second_network] * (1 - choose_w2) tests_weight3[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight3[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w3 + tests_weight3[second_network] * (1 - choose_w3) tests_weight4[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight4[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w4 + tests_weight4[second_network] * (1 - choose_w4) tests_weight5[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_weight5[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_w5 + tests_weight5[second_network] * (1 - choose_w5) tests_bias1[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias1[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b1 + tests_bias1[second_network] * (1 - choose_b1) tests_bias2[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias2[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b2 + tests_bias2[second_network] * (1 - choose_b2) tests_bias3[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias3[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b3 + tests_bias3[second_network] * (1 - choose_b3) tests_bias4[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias4[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b4 + tests_bias4[second_network] * (1 - choose_b4) tests_bias5[minis_indices[network_indice]] = tests_bias5[ maxis_indices[network_indice] ] * choose_b5 + tests_bias5[second_network] * (1 - choose_b5) tests_weight1[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight2[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight3[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight4[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_weight5[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(64, 1) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 1) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias1[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias2[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias3[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( ( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change ) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias4[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(1, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) tests_bias5[minis_indices[network_indice]] += ( (numpy.random.rand(1, 1) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change) ) * numpy.heaviside( numpy.random.rand(1, 1) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate), 0 ) print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... (testing) ", end="\r", flush=True, ) self.weight1 = tests_weight1[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight2 = tests_weight2[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight3 = tests_weight3[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight4 = tests_weight4[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.weight5 = tests_weight5[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b1 = tests_bias1[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b2 = tests_bias2[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b3 = tests_bias3[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b4 = tests_bias4[minis_indices[network_indice]] self.b5 = tests_bias5[minis_indices[network_indice]] ( on_good_moves, on_bad_moves, good_moves, bad_moves, ) = self.masters_check_train() success = ( (on_good_moves / good_moves) ** 2 * (on_bad_moves / bad_moves) ) * 100 tests_results[minis_indices[network_indice]] = success print( f"Coupling network #{network_indice + 1}... Done. ", end="\r", flush=True, ) """ random_matrix1 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * (2 * mutation_change) - mutation_change rand1 = numpy.random.rand( 64, 64) * inverse_rate + (1 - inverse_rate) new_weight1 = numpy.heaviside(rand1, 0) * self.cweight1 self.weight1 = self.weight1 + random_matrix1 * new_weight1 """ print("Coupling networks... Done. ") print( f"Mean performance : {(sum(tests_results) / len(tests_results))}") for loop in range(population): print( f"Saving networks... ({loop}/{population})", end="\r", flush=True) self.array_to_csv(tests_weight1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w1.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w2.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w3.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w4.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_weight5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-w5.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias1[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b1.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias2[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b2.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias3[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b3.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias4[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b4.csv") self.array_to_csv(tests_bias5[loop], f"nns/{loop}-b5.csv") print("Saving networks... Done. ") print("Saving tests result...", end=" ", flush=True) saved_results = list() for element in tests_results: saved_results.append([float(element)]) self.array_to_csv(saved_results, "nns/results.csv") print("Done.") def save(self, nn: int) -> None: for layer in range(LAYERS): numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-wpawns-{layer}.csv", self.w_pawns[layer], delimiter=",") numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-wpieces-{layer}.csv", self.w_pieces[layer], delimiter=",") numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-bpawns-{layer}.csv", self.b_pawns[layer], delimiter=",") numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-bpieces-{layer}.csv", self.b_pieces[layer], delimiter=",") numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-wpawns-beforelast.csv", self.w_pawns[-1], delimiter=",") numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-wpieces-beforelast.csv", self.w_pieces[-1], delimiter=",") numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-bpawns-beforelast.csv", self.b_pawns[-1], delimiter=",") numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-bpieces-beforelast.csv", self.b_pieces[-1], delimiter=",") numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-w-last.csv", self.w_last, delimiter=",") numpy.savetxt(f"nns/{nn}-b-last.csv", self.b_last, delimiter=",")
[docs] def load_layers(self, nn: int) -> None: """ Load layers with a NN ID from nns/. :param int nn: NN to load (nns/<nn>-....csv) :return: Nothing. :rtype: None """ for layer in range(LAYERS): self.w_pawns.append(numpy.genfromtxt( f"nns/{nn}-wpawns-{layer}.csv", delimiter=",")) self.b_pawns.append(numpy.genfromtxt( f"nns/{nn}-bpawns-{layer}.csv", delimiter=",")) self.w_pieces.append(numpy.genfromtxt( f"nns/{nn}-wpieces-{layer}.csv", delimiter=",")) self.b_pieces.append(numpy.genfromtxt( f"nns/{nn}-bpieces-{layer}.csv", delimiter=",")) self.w_pawns.append(numpy.genfromtxt( f"nns/{nn}-wpawns-beforelast.csv", delimiter=",")) self.b_pawns.append(numpy.genfromtxt( f"nns/{nn}-bpawns-beforelast.csv", delimiter=",")) self.w_pieces.append(numpy.genfromtxt( f"nns/{nn}-wpieces-beforelast.csv", delimiter=",")) self.b_pieces.append(numpy.genfromtxt( f"nns/{nn}-bpieces-beforelast.csv", delimiter=",")) self.w_pawns[-1] = self.w_pawns[-1].reshape(16, 1) self.b_pawns[-1] = self.b_pawns[-1].reshape(16, 1) self.w_pieces[-1] = self.w_pieces[-1].reshape(16, 1) self.b_pieces[-1] = self.b_pieces[-1].reshape(16, 1) self.w_last = numpy.genfromtxt(f"nns/{nn}-w-last.csv", delimiter=",") self.b_last = numpy.genfromtxt(f"nns/{nn}-b-last.csv", delimiter=",") self.w_last = self.w_last.reshape(1, 16) self.b_last = self.b_last.reshape(1, 1)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear layers.""" zero: numpy.ndarray = numpy.zeros((1, 1)) self.w_pawns.clear() self.w_pieces.clear() self.b_pawns.clear() self.b_pieces.clear() for layer in range(LAYERS + 1): self.w_pawns.append(zero) self.w_pieces.append(zero) self.b_pawns.append(zero) self.b_pieces.append(zero) self.w_last = zero self.b_last = zero
[docs] def generate(self) -> None: """Generate new matrixes.""" identity: numpy.ndarray = numpy.identity(16) zeros: numpy.ndarray = numpy.zeros((16, 16)) column_ones: numpy.ndarray = numpy.ones((8, 1)) column_zeros: numpy.ndarray = numpy.zeros((16, 1)) column_negative_ones: numpy.ndarray = numpy.empty((8, 1)) column_negative_ones.fill(-1) column_matrix: numpy.ndarray = numpy.block( [[column_ones], [column_negative_ones]]) line_ones: numpy.ndarray = numpy.ones((1, 16)) zero: numpy.ndarray = numpy.zeros((1, 1)) self.clear() for layer in range(LAYERS): self.w_pawns[layer] = identity self.w_pieces[layer] = identity self.b_pawns[layer] = zeros self.b_pieces[layer] = zeros self.w_pawns[-1] = column_matrix self.w_pieces[-1] = column_matrix self.b_pawns[-1] = column_zeros self.b_pieces[-1] = column_zeros self.w_last: numpy.ndarray = line_ones self.b_last: numpy.ndarray = zero
def __str__(self): """ Implements str(self). :return: Neural Network #{id} :rtype: str """ return f"Neural Network #{self.indice} (performance {self.result} / on good moves {self.perfs[0]} / on bad moves {self.perfs[1]})" def __repr__(self): """ Implements repr(self). :return: <NeuralNetwork object #{id(self)}> :rtype: str """ return f"<NeuralNetwork object #{self.indice} (performance {self.result} / on good moves {self.perfs[0]} / on bad moves {self.perfs[1]})>"
if __name__ == "__main__": test = NeuralNetwork() test.generate() print(test.check_move(chess.STARTING_FEN, "e2e4")) print(